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Planning Application Search Results

This page displays a list of the Planning application search results.

You can also search using our online map which will link directly to any planning applications decided and in progress (the map is updated every 24 hours).

If you need assistance searching for an application then help is available by contacting the Planning Department.

Select the application number to see more details.

Application number Received date Valid date Site location Proposal Decision Decision date
SMD/2022/0611 11/11/2022 11/11/2022 26 , St Edwards Road , Cheddleton , Staffordshire , ST13 7JP Extension and alterations to dwelling. Planning Permission - Approved 16/01/2023
HNT/2022/0038 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 Bodkins Bank Farm , Congleton Road , Mow Cop , Staffordshire , ST7 3PP Erection of single storey rear extension, extending 7.95m beyond rear wall, maximum height will be 3.98m and maximum height of the eaves will be 2.33m measured externally from natural ground level. Prior Approval is not required 14/04/2023
DET/2022/0042 10/11/2022 10/11/2022 Higher Whitemore Farm , Congleton Road , Biddulph , Staffordshire , CW12 3NF Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Dwellinghouses Prior Approval Refused 05/01/2023
DOC/2022/0078 08/11/2022 08/11/2022 The Crown Inn , Tean Road , Cheadle , Staffordshire , ST10 1TW Approval of Details Reserved by Condition 6, 14, 15, 17 and 22 of SMD/2021/0406 Awaiting Decision
DET/2022/0041 08/11/2022 08/11/2022 LAND KNOWN AS WHISTON FIELDS , Eaves Lane , Armshead , Staffordshire , Portal frame agricultural building. 05/12/2022
NMA/2022/0022 07/11/2022 07/11/2022 Holly Dene , School Road , Bagnall , Staffordshire , ST9 9JP Non material amendment relating to APP/B3438/D/20/3253924 Non Material Amendment - Approved 14/11/2022
SMD/2022/0576 24/10/2022 09/11/2022 Land At , Congleton Road , Biddulph , Staffordshire , Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved for a four bedroom, two storey dwelling, on land associated with No.100 Congleton Road, Biddulph Outline Application - Approved 06/01/2023
SMD/2022/0568 14/10/2022 09/11/2022 LAND ADJACENT TO THE ORCHARD , Ostlers Lane , Cheddleton , Staffordshire , Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved, apperance, landscaping,layout & scale Outline Application - Approved 31/05/2024

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