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Planning Application

This page displays details of the selected application and its progress. The information and images are retrieved from the Council's Planning database. The scanning process takes place after the application has been validated, hence images for recent applications may not yet be displayed.

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Please Note : The End of Public Consultation period date is based on the earliest date a decision can be made following public consultation on an application. This date is a live field and is updated throughout the application stage based on consultations, revised consultations, site notices and press advertisement dates, where required. Therefore this date is subject to change and if you are unsure or require further information you are advised to check with the Case Officer.

Application Details
Application number SMD/2014/0683 Application type Full Planning - Large scale MAJOR apps
Site address Anzio Camp , Buxton Road , Blackshaw Moor , Leek , Staffordshire , ST13 8TN Proposal Erection of extra care housing, live work units, ancillary social centre and facilities building and change of use to holiday park
Applicant name Mr Nick Smart
Enhanced Developments Limited
Agent name Mrs Gail Collins
The Tyer-Parkes Partnerhship Ltd
Applicant address Agent address 66 , Shirley , Solihull , West Midlands , B90 3LP
Application status Recommendation entered - Pending decision
Received date 21/10/2014 Valid date 10/11/2014
Fee due 0.00 Fee paid 0.00
Determination required date 09/02/2015 Agreed extended date 09/11/2015
Case Officer Mark Lynch
Start of Public Consultation period 11/11/2014 End of Public Consultation period 29/10/2015
Referred to Secretary of State date Referral expiry date
Decision by Planning Committee Committee date 22/10/2015
Decision Planning Permission - Approved Decision Date 09/11/2015
Temp permission expiry date Permission expiry date 08/11/2018
Legal Obligation ref.

Name Address
Tittesworth Parish Council Underbank Farm, Thorncliffe Lane, Thorncliffe, Leek, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST13 7LP
Severn Trent Water Ltd Network Development, Regis Road, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, WV6 8RU
Sport England SportPark, 3, Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, LE11 3QF
Natural England Parkside Court, Hall Park Way, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4LR
Police Liaison Crime Reduction Unit
Tittesworth Parish Council Underbank Farm, Thorncliffe Lane, Thorncliffe, Leek, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST13 7LP
Transport Development Management C/o Staffordshire County Council, 3rd Floor, 1Staffordshire Place, Wedgwood Building, Tipping Street, ST16 2DH
Severn Trent Water Ltd Network Development, Regis Road, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, WV6 8RU
Sport England SportPark, 3, Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, LE11 3QF
Natural England Parkside Court, Hall Park Way, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4LR
Police Liaison Crime Reduction Unit
Environment Agency The Environment Agency, Sentinel House, Wellington Crescent, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR
Tittesworth Parish Council Underbank Farm, Thorncliffe Lane, Thorncliffe, Leek, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST13 7LP
Environment Agency The Environment Agency, Sentinel House, Wellington Crescent, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR
Policy Forward Plan,
Ecology/Public Right Of Way
Legal Services Legal Services Manager,
Housing Strategy
Environmental Health Environmental Services,
Policy Forward Plan,
Ecology/Public Right Of Way
Legal Services Legal Services Manager,
Housing Strategy
Environmental Health Environmental Services,
Environmental Health Environmental Services,
Ecology/Public Right Of Way
Transport Development Management C/o Staffordshire County Council, 3rd Floor, 1Staffordshire Place, Wedgwood Building, Tipping Street, ST16 2DH

Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window.
Date Description
10/11/2014 Geo-Environmental Assessment
10/11/2014 Surface Water Flood Risk
10/11/2014 Site Services Assessment
10/11/2014 Ecological report (Final)
10/11/2014 Transport statement
10/11/2014 Location plan
10/11/2014 Existing site plan
10/11/2014 Existing building information
10/11/2014 Proposed site masterplan
10/11/2014 Proposed site masterplan
10/11/2014 Proposed Master Site Plan Existing Overlay
10/11/2014 Existing and Proposed Site Sections low resolution
10/11/2014 Proposed Live Work Plans and Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Live Work Contextual Plan
10/11/2014 Social Centre Context Drawing
10/11/2014 Social Centre Plans
10/11/2014 Social Centre North and West Elevations
10/11/2014 Social Centre South and East Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Facilities Unit Plan
10/11/2014 Facilites Building Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Care Home B Contextual Plan
10/11/2014 Proposed Care Home B Plans
10/11/2014 Proposed Care Home B Elevations Sh.1
10/11/2014 Proposed Care Home B Elevations Sh.2.
10/11/2014 Care Home A Context Plan
10/11/2014 Care Home A Floor Plans
10/11/2014 Care Home A Elevations Sheet 1
10/11/2014 Care Home A Elevations Sheet 2
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Cottages D14, D15
10/11/2014 Proposed Cottages D16, D17, D18
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Cottages D36, D37, D38, D39
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Proposed Elevations
10/11/2014 Bungalow Block Type 1
10/11/2014 Bungalow Block Type 2
10/11/2014 Bungalow Block Type 3
10/11/2014 Design and Access Statement V4
10/11/2014 Letter from Agent
10/11/2014 Planning Statement
10/11/2014 Non-tech Summary Environmental Statement
10/11/2014 Arboricultural Report
10/11/2014 Photomontages
10/11/2014 Appendix B Buildings Re-Use Assessment Report
10/11/2014 Appendix C Building for Life Criteria Assessment
10/11/2014 Appendix E.1 Blue print for Anzio
10/11/2014 Appendix E.2 Blue Print for Anzio
10/11/2014 Appendix E.3 Blue Print for Anzio
10/11/2014 Application form
10/11/2014 Arboricultural Report BS5837 - rev1 21.10.14
10/11/2014 Cascade Chart for Tree Quality Assessment 2014
10/11/2014 Draft Landscape Management PL104B
10/11/2014 Draft Unilateral Undertaking
10/11/2014 Ecological Update 2014
10/11/2014 Location plan
10/11/2014 Fig 4.1 Indicative Masterplan
10/11/2014 Fig 6.1 AM Peak Hour Base Traffic Flows
10/11/2014 Fig 6.2 PM Peak Hour Base Traffic Flows
10/11/2014 Fig 6.3 Devel Peak Hour Base Traffic Flows
10/11/2014 Fig 6.4 2km walk distance
10/11/2014 Fig 6.5 5km cycle distance
10/11/2014 Fig 6.6 2009 AM Base + Dev
10/11/2014 Fig 6.7 2009 PM Base + Dev.
10/11/2014 Fig 6.8 2009 Dev Peak Base + Dev
10/11/2014 Fig 6.9 2014 AM Base + Dev
10/11/2014 Fig 6.10 2014 PM Base + Dev
10/11/2014 Fig 6.11 2014 Dev Peak Base + Dev
10/11/2014 Fig 9.1 Historic Environment Record Entries
10/11/2014 Fig 13.1 - Noise Monitoring Locations
10/11/2014 Fig 13.2 Measured PP24 - Day
10/11/2014 Fig 13.3 Measured PP24 - Night
10/11/2014 Fig 13.4 Facade noise map. Base and 2014+ development
10/11/2014 Landscape Design Proposals PL103B
10/11/2014 Noise Assessment
10/11/2014 Non-technical summary of environmental statement
10/11/2014 Plan accompanying Draft Unilateral Undertaking
10/11/2014 Soft Landscape PL105
10/11/2014 Soft Landscape PL106
10/11/2014 Soft Landscape PL107B
10/11/2014 Technical Review of Transport Statement and Travel Plan 2014
10/11/2014 Tree removal proposals PL102B
10/11/2014 Tree Survey PL101
10/11/2014 Updated LVIA Statement
10/11/2014 Volume 1 - Appendices
10/11/2014 Volume 1- Main Text
10/11/2014 Volume 2 - List of Figures
10/11/2014 updated visualisations 2014 part 3
10/11/2014 updated visualisations 2014 part 2
10/11/2014 updated visualisations 2014 part 1
24/11/2014 Fig 7.6 Leek Cemetery
24/11/2014 Fig 7.14 Viewpoint 9 Ramshaw rocks
24/11/2014 Fig 7.13b Viewpoint 9 Hen cloud year 15
24/11/2014 Fig 7.13a Viewpoint 8 Hen cloud year 1
24/11/2014 Fig 7.12 viewpoitn 7 A53 opp site entrance
24/11/2014 Fig 7.11b Viewpoint 6 footpath from troutsdale farm year 15
24/11/2014 Fig 7.11a viewpoint 6 footpath from troutsdale farm year1
24/11/2014 Fig 7.10b Viewpoint 5 Thorncliffe bank year 15
24/11/2014 Fig 7.10a Viewpoint 5 thorncliffe bank year 1
24/11/2014 Fig 7.9b viewpoint birch tree farm year 15.
24/11/2014 Fig 7.9a Viewpoint birch treet farm year 1
24/11/2014 Fig 7.8 Viewpoint gunn hil
24/11/2014 Fig 7.7b viewpoint 2 staffs moorlands walk year 15
24/11/2014 Fig 7.7a Viewpoint 2 staffs moorlands walk year 1
24/11/2014 Fig 7.6 Viewpoint 1 cemetery
24/11/2014 Fig 7.5 Viewpoint locations
24/11/2014 Fig 7.4 Landscape character
24/11/2014 Fig 7.3 Landscape features
24/11/2014 Fig 7.1 Location and PLanning Context
24/11/2014 Planning Performance Agreement
02/12/2014 unilateral undertaking
03/12/2014 natural england comments
05/02/2015 3262-1000P1-Proposed Site Masterplan (superseded)
05/02/2015 3262-1001-P1-Proposed Master Siter Plan Existing Overlay
05/02/2015 3262-1002P1-Unilateral Undertaking
05/02/2015 3262-1004P0-Edit-Proposed Site section A-A-Care Home B Extrac
05/02/2015 3262-1010P1-Live Work Plans and Elevations superseded
19/03/2015 3262-1000P2-Proposed Site Masterplan amended
19/03/2015 Soft Landscape PL107C - Main entrance area 13.03.15
19/03/2015 3262-1011 P2 Live Work Street Scene amended
19/03/2015 3262-1010 P2 Live Work Plans and Elevations amended
01/07/2015 2014 08 20 Anzio Camp Ecological Update Report 421 04017 00001 Final_Combined
01/07/2015 3262-0001-C-OS Map Area Site Plan
01/07/2015 3262-0001-P0-OS Map
01/07/2015 3262-1000-P0-Proposed Site Masterplan
01/07/2015 3262-1000P4-Proposed Site Masterplan
01/07/2015 Addendum to Non-Techical summary of environemental statement
01/07/2015 Planning Supporting Statement
01/07/2015 Addendum to original report - on-site mitigation
01/07/2015 Amended scheme covering letter
01/07/2015 Appendix B Buildings Re-Use Assessment Report
01/07/2015 Appendix E.1 Blue print for Anzio
01/07/2015 Appendix E.2 Blue Print for Anzio
01/07/2015 Appendix E.3 Blue Print for Anzio
01/07/2015 \Draft Unilateral Undertaking
01/07/2015 Noise Assessment
01/07/2015 Amended information 29.6.15\Technical Review of Transport Statement and Travel Plan 2014
01/07/2015 Updated LVIA Statement
30/10/2015 Environment Agency
09/11/2015 Commitee Report
09/11/2015 Decision notice
09/11/2015 Unilateral Undertaking

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