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Planning application details

This page displays details of the selected application and its progress. The information and images are retrieved from the Council's Planning database. The scanning process takes place after the application has been validated, hence images for recent applications may not yet be displayed.

If the application has not been determined and provided it is before the consultation expiry date, you can use the Comment on this Application button to make representations on the proposal which will be forwarded to the Case Officer. Guidance is available for making comments on a planning application here.

For further information on how to view the working file, follow this link.

Please Note : The End of Public Consultation period date is based on the earliest date a decision can be made following public consultation on an application. This date is a live field and is updated throughout the application stage based on consultations, revised consultations, site notices and press advertisement dates, where required. Therefore this date is subject to change and if you are unsure or require further information you are advised to check with the Case Officer.

Application Details
Application number DET/2022/0019 Application type Notification - Change of Use Prior Approval
Site address Apesford Farm, Apesford Lane, Bradnop, Staffordshire, ST13 7EX Proposal Change of use of a former agricultural building at Apesford Farm, Bradnop to form 1no. dwellinghouse along with associated building operations.
Applicant name Mr & Mrs Harrison

Agent name Mr Rob Duncan

Rob Duncan Planning
Applicant address 70 Ferndale Road, Lichfield, WS13 7DL Agent address Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy Ltd, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 7DL
Application status PNAPP
Received date 24/03/2022 Valid date 24/03/2022
Fee due 0.00 Fee paid 206.00
Determination required date 19/05/2022 Agreed extended date
Case Officer Chris Johnston
Start of Public Consultation period 06/04/2022 End of Public Consultation period 27/04/2022
Referred to Secretary of State date Referral expiry date
Decision by Delegated Decision Committee date
Decision Prior Approval Granted Decision Date 19/05/2022
Temp permission expiry date Permission expiry date
Legal Obligation ref.

Name Address
SCC (Highways) C/o Staffordshire County Council, 3rd Floor, 1Staffordshire Place, Wedgwood Building, Tipping Street, ST16 2DH
Ramblers Association 48, Langtree Close, Cannock, Staffs, WS12 3TT
Peak & Northern Footpaths Society 48 Langtree Close, Cannock, WS12 3TT
Severn Trent Water Ltd Network Development, Regis Road, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, WV6 8RU
Bradnop Parish Council 147, Burton Street, Leek, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST13 8DA
SMDC Environmental Health Environmental Health,
SMDC Waste (Operational Services) LEEK
Cllr Linda Malyon Ipstones Ward,
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust The Wolseley Centre, Wolseley Bridge, Stafford, ST17 0WT

Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window.
Date Description
28/03/2022 Plans
28/03/2022 Application Form
28/03/2022 Bat and Bird Survey
28/03/2022 Planning Statement
28/03/2022 Structural Survey
31/03/2022 Consultation response Ramblers ASS.
04/04/2022 Consultation response Footpath Society
25/04/2022 Consultation response Waste
06/05/2022 Public Comment Michael Whitfield
09/05/2022 Consultation Response Bradnop PC
12/05/2022 Consultation response SMDC Environmental Health.
16/05/2022 Public comment Ann-Marie Jones
19/05/2022 Delegated report
19/05/2022 Decision notice