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Planning application search results

This page displays a list of the Planning application search results.

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Select the application number to see more details.

Application number Received date Valid date Site location Proposal Decision Decision date
SMD/2024/0203 30/04/2024 30/04/2024 Hunters Way, 69 Caverswall Road, Blythe Bridge, Staffordshire, ST11 9BG Proposed single storey sunroom and utility extension together with veranda at rear Planning Permission - Approved 25/06/2024
SMD/2024/0205 30/04/2024 30/04/2024 Springfields, Leek Road, Waterhouses, Staffordshire, ST10 3HS Alterations and single storey rear extension Planning Permission - Approved 25/06/2024
DET/2024/0016 29/04/2024 29/04/2024 1, Wharf Road, Biddulph, Staffordshire, ST8 6AJ Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to three-bedroom dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) There will be no structural works, with rooms sizes remaining the same with reallocated uses. Replacement windows will be provided as part of the works as well as other thermal improvements Prior Approval is not required 24/06/2024
SMD/2024/0187 22/04/2024 29/04/2024 27, Ash Bank Road, Werrington, Staffordshire, ST2 9DS Erection of a single storey side extension Planning Permission - Refused 25/06/2024
SMD/2024/0162 08/04/2024 30/04/2024 64, Uttoxeter Road, Draycott In The Moors, Staffordshire, ST11 9AB Proposed Dropped kerb Planning Permission - Approved 25/06/2024
SMD/2024/0150 02/04/2024 02/04/2024 34, Brentwood Drive, Werrington, Staffordshire, ST9 0DW Proposed extensions with associated internal and elevational alterations, and replacement of existing roof tiles Planning Permission - Approved 24/06/2024
DOC/2024/0023 02/04/2024 29/04/2024 112, Draycott Road, Upper Tean, Staffordshire, ST10 4JF Discharge of Condition 3 in relation to application SMD/2022/0491 Discharge of Conditions - Approved 24/06/2024
SMD/2024/0146 26/03/2024 26/03/2024 1, Windy Arbour, Cheadle, Staffordshire, ST10 1BL Application for a lawful development certificate for proposed use of property as residential care home for up to 2 children aged between 5 and 18 with care provided by up to three nonresident members of staff (Sui Generis). Certificate of Lawfulness - Lawful (Approved) 24/06/2024
SMD/2024/0126 15/03/2024 01/05/2024 Cheddleton Community Centre, Hollow Lane, Cheddleton, Staffordshire, ST13 7HP Installation of solar panels (24 total) Planning Permission - Approved 26/06/2024
SMD/2024/0113 06/03/2024 21/03/2024 95, Tunstall Road, Biddulph, Staffordshire, ST8 6LB Install new Dropped Kerb, remove front stone wall. Dig out part of front garden, build new retaining wall in block with Timber cladding. Tarmac hardstanding to create off road parking with aco drain and soakaway to front of hardstanding. Create new steps and path to the left for property access, remove hedge to the right side and install new fencing. Retain Hedge to the Left. Planning Permission - Approved 24/06/2024